Pricelist & Contact
Charcoal Watercolor Oil
18x24 $150 18x24 $300 18x24 $600
24x30 $250 24x30 $500 24x30 $1,000
30x40 $500 30x40 $1,000 30x40 $2,000
The price list above reflects one individual per portrait composition. The prices vary with additional people or scenery to be included. Call for a price quote. A. C. can work from existing photos or arrangements can be made for him to photograph a subject.
A 50% deposit is required on all orders and the balance is due upon completion of the job. If you are not pleased, he will make corrections until satisfaction is achieved. There is no refund on orders. A shipping fee will be added to all orders requested to be delivered.
To receive a price quote and additional information call:
(251) 623-3348, or email
A. C. Smith Art Studio*1856 Toulmin Ave. Mobile, AL*36617
Art Prints
To purchase art prints or originals, call (251) 623-3348 or send email. Watercolor Oil